
%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Modelo Empírico para determinação do Índice UV, obtido com dados do Radiômetro e do Biômetro para o Observatório Espacial do Sul
%D 2005
%A Carbone, Samara,
%A Manfro, Robinson L.,
%A Peres, Rafael,
%A Bertagnolli, Caroline,
%A Damaris K. Pinheiro,
%A Schuch, Augusta A. M. P.,
%A Kayano, Mary Toshie,
%A Ferreira, Nelson Jesus,
%A Makita, Kazuo,
%A Schuch, Nelson Jorge,
%B International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, 9.
%C Salvador
%X The Ultraviolet Index was created to advise the population about the solar exposure risk. It can be obtained through biologically active radiation detectors or UV detectors able to measure the irradiance for each wavelength. A network of UV B Radiometers were installed in cities as: São Martinho da Serra Brazil, Punta Arenas Chile, Concepcion Argentina and Rio Grande Brazil, through a cooperation between the Tokushoku and Rikkyo Universities, in Japan, the Federal University of Santa Maria and the Southern Regional Space Research Center of the National Institute for Space Research, in Brazil. These equipments measure the accumulated UV Radiation in the spectral range from 280 to 315 nm, which does not permit the radiation be weighed with the Erythema Action Spectrum (Mckinlay-Diffey). The aim o
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